Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Worship & Word Wednesday | By Faith

Even as a woman of God, doubts can try and creep in when you are trying to lose weight. 

Can I do this? 
Can I balance work and health to hit my goal?
Do I really know what to do to achieve success in this? 

Hebrews 11:1 states, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” This verse can be particularly inspiring for you on a weight loss journey in the following ways:
1.Hope and Vision: Weight loss often requires long-term commitment and perseverance. Hebrews 11:1 encourages you to have faith in your goals and the hope for a healthier future, even when immediate results are not visible. This hope can be a powerful motivator, keeping the vision of a healthier self alive and encouraging persistence through challenges.
2.Belief in the Unseen: The verse emphasizes belief in things not yet seen. For someone struggling with weight loss, this can translate into believing in your potential to achieve your weight loss goals, even if the changes are not immediately apparent. Trusting in the process and having faith in your ability to succeed can sustain motivation and drive.
3.Substance and Evidence: The concept of faith as “substance” and “evidence” underscores the tangible nature of belief. Applying this to weight loss, it means that having faith and the process is not just wishful thinking but a substantial and evidence-based conviction that can guide your actions and decisions toward healthier habits and choices.
In essence, Hebrews 11:1 can inspire you to maintain hope, trust the process, and believe in your ability to achieve your weight loss goals, even when progress is not immediately visible. This faith can provide the strength and perseverance needed to stay committed to your journey.
It is your faith in God that will get you there. 


How to Lose 20lbs in 12 weeks without starving or endless exercise: Free Training- 




 Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Join Me Today! 


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5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord:

Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. 


Background music during prayer, Blessed by Good_B_Music

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