Wednesday May 08, 2024

Worship & Word Wednesday | Filled By God

In the story of 2 Kings, there are several instances where individuals turn to God for help and guidance in times of desperation.
One notable example is found in 2 Kings 4:1-7, where a widow, facing overwhelming debt and the threat of losing her sons to slavery, seeks help from the prophet Elisha. Despite her dire circumstances, she demonstrates faith by following Elisha's instructions to gather jars and pour oil, which miraculously multiplies, providing enough to pay off her debts and support her family.
This story illustrates the power of faith and obedience in seeking God's provision and guidance, even in seemingly hopeless situations. Sometimes your weight loss journey can feel like you are not getting anywhere and that hopelessness can creep in. 
It teaches us that when we turn to God with trust and surrender, He can work miracles in our lives, filling us with hope and empowering us to overcome adversity, including the challenges of weight loss.
Just as the widow's faith led to abundance in her life, so too can our reliance on God's strength and guidance lead to transformation and renewal in our journey toward health and wellness.
Let God fill you until you overflow. 
I pray this blesses you. 



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Background music during prayer, Heavenly Song, is by Jennifer Paccione 


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