Christian Women’s Weight Loss | Faith, Food, Fitness

Are you tired of fighting the scale 24/7? Are you sick of fad diets that only get you temporary results? Do you wish you had an easy plan to follow so you don’t have to stress out about how to lose weight? Are you looking for a simple foundational weight loss framework that can fit into your busy day so it becomes a lifestyle? Do you wish you could workout in 15-minute increments instead of hours at the gym? Do you wish you have an exercise plan that gets you results while working out at home? Are you looking for ways to naturally speed up your metabolism? Do you want your pizza and spinach too? Are you ready to break free from binge eating, over eating, and sugar addiction? Are you ready to be free from past trauma and hurts that drive you to sabotage? Do you desire a stronger relationship with Jesus, even on your weight loss journey but unsure how that looks? Hey, I’m Ondrea Lynn and I’m so excited that you are here with me on Christian Women Weight Loss! I remember what it felt like to be 75lbs overweight, exhausted, overwhelmed, riddled with poor self-esteem, wrong self-image, and unworthiness. I was searching in all the worldly places and was brought down a path of deception. Seeking and searching for something to fill my void lead me into 30 years in new age occult practices that never fulfilled me. It was so much work to a never-ending solution until one day when everything that meant something to be broke… my oldest child became estranged, my husband left, my 3 thriving businesses crumbled. Until I was radically saved by Jesus and He made everything new and set me on this track to help Christian women lose weight and gain health through the power of the Holy Spirit. I have spent 20 years in the health and fitness industry as a certified NASM personal trainer, group fitness instructor, holistic health coach, fitness nutrition specialist, studying behavioral change and self-sabotage. I’m here to teach you everything I know about simplifying food and fitness while making faith your primary drive as a busy woman. Inside this podcast you will find a combination of food and fitness golden nuggets while we use the word of God to strengthen your relationship with Jesus. Allowing the Holy Spirit on this journey so you begin to get results in weight loss, better sleep, burning fat, breaking free from depression, anxiety, binge eating, sugar addiction, emotional struggles. As a woman of God it is time to get His vessel, your body, healthy so you can do all that God is calling you to. It is clearly written in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” NO more starving or endless exercising, let the Holy Spirit rise so you lose the weight and keep it off. May the Lord give you ears to hear, eyes to see, a heart that’s pleasing to Him along with a body that will be transformed for His glory, let’s dive in….

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Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Is your weight causing you to be tired and sick, possibly breaking down your health? 
Overtime this could hinder what God is calling you to do. 
1 Corinthians 3:17 is says, " If anyone destroys God's temple God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple." 
Your body is God's temple so he really cares about you and the health of your body. 
All the health that God gives you is his to be spent entirely on his purposes. His purposes include being faithful in caring for your health. 
At the end of the day, your health is God's and you are to spend it for His purposes, this is the foundation of stewarding your health. 
The Holy Spirit is still working miracles today, He will restore your health. 
Let's stand in agreement in the name of Jesus for your health to be restored.
Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Free Training - Register with this link: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. 
Background music during prayer, Heavenly Song, is by Jennifer Paccione 

Friday Apr 12, 2024

There are hidden dangers behind that sweet sugar. 
Are you experiencing any of these: 
- Excess weight
-Frequent Sleepliness
-Brain Fog
-Low Blood Sugar
-High Blood Sugar
-High Blood Pressure
-High Triglycerides
These could be occurring due to sugar intake. 
Are you wanting to break free from sugar addiction yet struggle to do it? 
When you understand how sugar destroys your health you will be able to break up with sugar and never look back. 
Then your victory will be in losing weight and gaining your health back.
Proverbs 25:16 says,"Do you like honey? Don't eat to much, or it will make you sick." 
Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Free Training - Register with this link: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. 

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Inside this episode we will explore the word of God and how we should follow it for our weight loss decisions. 
There are many options and plans out there that promise you a path to lose weight, but you are unsure of what to follow. Correct?God says don't lean on your own understanding. He calls you to depend on Him and He will show you the path to take.
Be sure that path includes Him and will glorify Him. 
We are called to acknowlege God in ALL we do, this includes losing weight.
Are you ready to turn this area of your life over to God so you can walk without sorrow, pain, sadness, anger, or disappointment with yourself? Jesus gave us victory, it's time you walk in victory in your weight loss. 
Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Free Training - Register with this link: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. 
Background music during prayer, Heavenly Song, is by Jennifer Paccione 

Friday Apr 05, 2024

Have you been struggling to lose weight for years? You have tried diet after diet and nothing is longlasting? 
When you start your journey to lose weight do you get blindsided with circumstances that get in the way of your success? 
This episode will give you God's biblical principles on why you struggle every time you start to get your health in order and how to overcome the struggle so you can lose the weight and finally keep it off. 
As a Christian woman, we are to live by the word of God. In this episode you will understand the word of God and how it pertaines to your weight loss so you can finally get results. 
It is deeper then just eating and exercise. 
It goes far beyond your mindset.
There is something greater at work trying to stop you from success. 
Always remember, Jesus has victory. As you walk with the Lord, you have victory in your weight loss battle. 
Apply the principles I share and you will see how everything changes, including your dress size. 
Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Free Training - Register with this link:  
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: Ready to work with me in my 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. 

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Do you ever yearn for love so badly that you run to food or sugar to comfort you? 
Maybe you are not receiving the love you are yearning for from your spouse, kids, or your friends?
Maybe you yearned for this love as a child and never felt you got it from your parents. 
The deep yearning for love to fill us, to embrace us to comfort us, will never be found in food, sugar, or other people. 
The deep love you are craving can only be found from God. 
Maybe it isn't the food you are craving afterall.
You may be really craving God's love. 
Are you ready to be touched by the power of God's love? Let's worship Him and receive it together. 
Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Free Training - Register with this link: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. 
Background music during prayer, Heavenly Song, is by Jennifer Paccione 

Friday Mar 29, 2024

Women are constantly seeking solutions to weight loss, going to crazy unnecessary extremes that don't work.
There is one solution that is proven to work every time and all the time. 
It might not be something you want to hear but I am here to provide you truths. 
Exercise is the solution that will work every time and all the time. 
In this episode I will unveil the top 10 reasons to exercise. 
This is not just about losing weight, it is about really gaining optimal health and keeping it. 
When you gain this knowledge you must apply this wisdom to your life. 
Exercise will help you lose the weight and keep it off along with regulate your hormones, speed up your metabolism, stabilize your blood sugar levels, improave heart and liver function while preventing disease. 
If you have struggled with exercise, listen today to get a hold of what God has for you. 
Go here, send me an email, to grab your weight loss strategy session today! Website: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord:

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Feeling troubled, heaviness, or distress can drive you straight to food for comfort. 
Great despair can lead you to poor eating, overeating, not able to exercise or even care to reach any goal. 
This cycle will lead you into more weight gain and exacerbate your feelings of hopelessness, having a direct impact on your self-esteem. 
There is a way out- Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and THE LIFE. 
If you don't feel like praying then let me pray for you while you rest in God's word. 
When you experience the power of God, the presence of the Holy Spirit, you will be set-free from despair. 
When you walk in freedom you will lose the weight and keep it off. 
Some of the spoken scipture used today: 
Psalm 147:3
Isaiah 61:3
Psalm 40:2-3
Psalm 27:13-14
Psalm 139:7-12
Philippians 4:6-7
Galatians 5:1 
Want to grab your 20 minute weight loss strategy session for March? Go here and send me an email - Website: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord:
Background music during prayer, Heavenly Song, is by Jennifer Paccione 

Friday Mar 22, 2024

Are you concerned about being trapped in the cycle of generational sickness, struggling with health issues that seem to run in your family? 
You don't want your body to be the battleground for inherited illness, right? 
You know this, you want different results, but you still grab that donut at work or eat the entire pint of ice cream after dinner. 
This episode is here to offer you hope and empowerment. 
We dive into how to reclaim your health and honor your body as the sacred temple, seperate from the ailments of the past. 
Let's walk this journey together towards a depper understaning from the Holy Spirit so you can lose weight, heal and restore your health today. 
Want to grab your 20 minute weight loss strategy session for March?
Go here and send me an email - Website: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord:

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Depression is a wide spread condition affecting millions of women. Suffering from depression brings on intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue. Feelings of being useless, loss of interest, or even lack of motivation.
If you are battling with depression and trying to lose weight, this could feel like a very big undertaking. 
What if you were to break free from depression? What could be possible for you? 
The bible tells us to be filled with joy and praise. 
Phillipians 4:4 & Romans 15:11
What this means for you is God intends for you to live a joyful life. 
It is not easy when you are battling with depression but as a woman of God you have remedies to get you through. These remedies are discussed in this episode. 
Let us come together in prayer to speak God's truth over you and let Jesus break you free from depression today!
Want to grab your 20 minute weight loss strategy session for March? Go here and send me an email - Website: 
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord:
Background music during prayer, Heavenly Song, is by Jennifer Paccione 

Friday Mar 15, 2024

Are you doing everything to try and lose weight but nothing works?
Do you lose the weight when you are on a diet but once it ends you gain the weight back? 
This is not your fault. You no longer have to live with guilt and shame and you can lose weight and keep it off. 
You have to understand that there is a deeper program at play here and once you understand what it is and how to change it, you will get the results you have been dreaming of. 
It comes from your past childhood surroundings that you are not even aware of but the subconcious is still at work behind the scenes. 
In this episode I will help you understand more about self sabotage, why this happens and how to change it. 
Please listen to episode 9 as this episode extends from there. 
God Bless you
Scriptures in this episode: 
Galatians 1:15
Jeremiah 1:5
1 Peter 2:9-10
2 Corinthians 5:17
1 John 4:4 
Go to my website to claim your 20 minute free weight loss strategy today!
Spots are limited so email me today.
Join me here, FB Group: 
5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord:


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